Quonset Hut or Nissen Hut?

quonset historyThe history of the Quonset hut is definitely an example of the old saying: ‘necessity is the mother of invention.’ Based on an earlier British design-the Nissen hut, the Quonset Hut began life as a series of US Navy requirements. The Navy didn’t care about a particular design or look, all it cared about was its tactical and logistical parameters.

The US just entered World War II, and the US Navy needed mobile housing that can be as flexible and mobile as its forces. Since the Americans fought World War II mostly on the Pacific front, the military housing requirement of the Navy required a design that can be as mobile as the US Pacific fleet as it hopped from island to island over a vast area.

Now you can get your own modern day quonset hut from us at www.quonset.ca!


  1. Fawn Tayag on February 26, 2019 at 9:48 pm

    very interesting information! .